

October 7, 2018

Various news articles and updates throughout my years with the Army Corps  of Engineers

January 16, 2003

Bayonne Journal: Saving the pup from drowning..

October 5, 2002

911 World Trade Center ACOE Jersey Journal article Click Here to View

August 2002

View Article Here

Or view at original location

September 11, 2002

BCN Article Dreams In Motion!Click Here to View

August 16, 1995

I received my first boat license. My first and only license after over a decade with the ACOE. That’s a big license. lol Click Here to View

July 14, 2000

Five years of government service.Click Here to View

May 8, 2002

I was honored again in receiving the valor award from the New York Federal Executive Board. This was also in regards to services rendered during the tragic days following 911.Click Here to View

July 31, 2002

This is one of the highest awards one can receive as a civilian. I am proud and honored to be a part the help during such a tragic time in our nation’s history. Click Here to View

December 18, 2003

Commander’s Certificate of Appreciation was given to me for singing the national anthem at the ACOE’s Holiday Awards and Employee Recognition Day Ceremony. It was a great honor.Click Here to View

December 11, 2011

10 years of Government service.Click Here to View


“Notes of Appreciation” from varies years while I was with the USACOE. My favorite one is from 2011.

Note of appreciation 1

Note of appreciation 2

Note of appreciation 3

Note of appreciation 4

Note of appreciation 5

Note of appreciation 6

Note of appreciation 7

Note of appreciation 8

Note of appreciation 9

Note of appreciation 10

Note of appreciation 11

These “coins” are given by someone of a higher status to an individual to recognize a job well done.  It is sign of appreciation for a job well done. I received these coins over the years.


November 11, 2011

Ten years of government service